Contribute to Nestflix
Nestflix is a wiki dressed up as a streaming platform that catalogs fictional films and tv shows inside real movies and tv shows.
Is your fave nested film or show missing from this site?
You might be wondering where is Rochelle, Rochelle from Seinfeld? Or Coming Home in a Body Bag from True Romance? Both iconic in their own way.
Here’s the criteria for what gets added:
- Must be fictional (not characters watching a real film, not a recreation of a real film)
- Must show actual footage (not just mentioned in dialogue or seen in a poster)
- Not a news or morning show (for now, this might change)
If you have one to add, please create an issue on GitHub or fill out this handy form:
Submissions temporarily paused
I’ve received so many great suggestions and I need a bit of time to catch up and read them all.
I’ll open this back up in a bit.
Thank you! 🌈